Objections and Appeals


2015-16 Duties GAIC Motor vehicle duty Land tax Payroll tax Congestion levy FHOG Unclaimed money Total %
Objections received* 377 0 7 2828 420 5 88 0 3725  
Objections processed* 355 0 10 2496 384 3 102 0 3350  
Allowed in full 59 0 1 414 27 0 6 0 507 15.13%
Allowed in part 34 0 1 326 75 0 3 0 439 13.10%
Disallowed in full 204 0 7 1245 225 2 91 0 1774 52.96%
Withdrawn by taxpayer prior to decision 5 0 0 72 2 0 0 0 79 2.36%
Closed/invalid 53 0 1 439 55 1 2 0 551 16.45%
Objections pending 30 June 2016 107 1 1 756 245 6 12 0 1128  
*In this table, the number of objections refers to the total number of assessments objected to. Some objections, particularly for payroll tax and land tax, are in relation to multiple assessments.

Appeals received and completed

2015-16 Duties GAIC Motor vehicle duty Land tax Payroll tax Congestion levy FHOG Other† Total %
Appeals received 33   4 48 8 1 12 2 108  
Taxpayer appeals dismissed at hearing 15   2 10 6 2 9 2 46 84%
Taxpayer appeals upheld at hearing 2 1   6         9 16%
Matters settled before hearing 32   1 35 10   7 3 88  
Appeals completed (±) 49 1 3 51 16 2 16 5 143  
± Appeals completed includes multiple matters heard together and matters for completed contested hearings that are unreported at time of publication.
†Non-statutory appeal litigation, including contested debt recovery.