Analysis of Debt

Analysis of debt 2015-16

Tax base $ Total debt 30/6/15 $< 30 Day $30-90 day $> 90 day $ Provision for doubtful debt $ Total debt 30/6/15
Duties debt
Land transfer/mortgage 10,943,904 2,578,654 1,319,062 7,046,188 9,798,875 7,036,361
Insurance 51 0 0 51 775,447 1,624
Hire of goods 193 0 0 193 0 193
Registered used vehicle duty 0 0 0 0 0 0
Motor vehicle duty 832,069 30,593 28,377 773,099 890,118 1,319,643
Total duties 11,776,217 2,609,247 1,347,439 7,819,531 11,464,440 8,357,821
Other taxes
Payroll tax 37,843,204 5,221,650 7,480,666 25,140,888 66,413,447 32,406,835
Land tax 146,543,455 104,840,419 2,919,150 38,783,886 0 162,994,169
Financial institutions duty 0 0 0 0 0 0
Congestion levy 1,667,026 96,754 47,967 1,522,305 10,090 802,072
Cattle and swine duty 54,324 12,089 12,661 29,574 0 20,425
Total other taxes 186,108,009 110,170,912 10,460,444 65,476,653 66,423,537 196,223,501
All taxes 197,884,226 112,780,159 11,807,883 73,296,184 77,887,977 204,581,322

Summary of written off debt 2015-16

Hire of goods 0
Congestion levy 2,020
Motor vehicle duty 528,705
Land transfer/mortgage 329,847
Payroll tax 3,297,549
Land tax 570,765
Insurance 1,573
Sheep and goat 0
Cattle and swine 0
Sundry debts 0
Total debt written off 4,730,459