
Welcome to the 2015-16 Annual Review of the State Revenue Office of Victoria.

This document provides key information about our activities, strategies and business performance to offer a comprehensive overview of our administration for the year. The content is arranged in six sections.


Describes our core functions, strategic goals and performance expectations


Outlines the assistance we endeavour to deliver to our customers


Identifies the critical efficiencies we made during 2015-16 to meet our challenges


Highlights our main achievements for the year


Tracks our progress and summarises performance against our strategic objectives


Provides additional information and data to supplement this Annual Review


A typical day at the SRO
11,958 transactions completed
$43,013,699 in revenue collected
$47,068 of Unclaimed Money reunited with owners
867 Land Tax assessments issued
735 phone calls answered
29 investigations conducted
56,986 webpage views
645 documents processed online
3 private rulings issued
4 objections/exemptions determined
35 grants paid to first home buyers